Landlords can list directly on

Private landlords can now list and market their properties on Our introductory offer is only $5* per listing. This special price is available until 31/03/2025. From April you’ll only pay $49 – lower than most property websites.

There’s never been a better time to find tenants for your rental property. Take advantage of this limited-time offer. 

Create your rental property listing in 4 easy steps:

1. Log in or sign up to

Click on your profile and select 'List a private rental' from the drop-down menu.

Private rentals

2. Follow the prompts to create a new listing

Tip:  Provide as many details about the property as you can, so potential tenants can get a good idea of whether it’s right for them. You can upload a maximum of 20 photos to showcase your property. 

3. Enter your payment details

Our introductory offer is only $5 per rental listing. Offer ends 31/03/2025.  Our standard price is $49 - lower than most property websites.


4. We’ll check the listing for you

Once it’s been approved, it will be published to the site.

Payment will not go through until the listing has been approved and published on our site. 

Anything else? 

Check out the questions below for more details on how to list on If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact our support team on 



Will I receive a payment receipt? 

A processed payment will create a hold on the funds but you’ll only be charged when your listing has been approved and is published. A receipt will be emailed to you on the provided email account automatically after you complete the payment (it can take up to 3 days for our system to generate the receipt). If you require a receipt to be regenerated, you will need to contact our support team on 

Can I create a rental listing if I am overseas? 

You need to use a New Zealand-based credit card in order to make a payment for a listing.  

I’ve created and paid for my listing, but I can’t find it on the site? 

If your listing hasn’t gone live, it’s likely in our moderation queue. We will email you to let you know why the listing hasn’t been published and what steps you can take to ensure it makes it onto the site. If you’re still having trouble, you can contact us at 

Why has my listing gone into a moderation process? 

We need to ensure listings on our site comply with anti-discrimination laws. While we endeavour to moderate listings through an automation process, in some cases a manual moderation might be required. We strive to complete any manual moderation within one business day. 

 Will my property listing expire? 

There is no expiry on listings. However, we strongly recommend that you withdraw or mark the property as rented to avoid further enquiries and as a courtesy to people who are searching for rental properties. 

 What happens if I don’t find a tenant? 

Your property will stay listed on indefinitely, until you are successful in finding a tenant, or decide to withdraw it from the market. 

 Can I upgrade my listings to a Featured or Premium promotion once it has gone live? 

Yes, you can upgrade your property listing from a Standard to either a Featured or a Premium listing.  

Please note, you can not upgrade a Featured listing to a Premium, or downgrade a listing. 


*Our introductory offer for landlords, listing directly is only $5 per listing - available until 31/03/2025. Our standard price is $49 - lower than other property websites.